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What is the image of $ \Phi$ ?

The answer is obtained by considering derivations.

LEMMA 8.2   Let $ k$ be a field of characteristic $ p$ . For each $ i=1,2,3,\dots,2 n$ , let $ \nabla^{(0)}_i$ be a derivation on $ M_{p^n}(k[t_1,t_2,t_3,\dots,t_{2n}])$ defined by

$\displaystyle \frac{\partial}{\partial t_i}- \sum_j\overline{h}_{i j} \operatorname{ad}(\mu_j).

  1. We have

    (*) $\displaystyle \nabla^{(0)}_i(x)=0 \quad (i=1,2,3,\dots,2n)$

    for any element $ x \in \operatorname{Image}(\Phi)$ .

  2. Conversely, any element $ x$ of $ M_p^n(k[t_1,t_2,t_3,\dots,t_{2 n}])$ which satisfy the equations (*) belongs to the image $ \operatorname{Image}(\Phi)$ .

PROOF.. (1) Since $ \nabla^{(0)}_i$ is a derivation, we see that the set of elements in $ M_p^n(k[t_1,t_2,t_3,\dots,t_{2 n}])$ which satisfy the equations (*) above form a $ k$ -algebra. It is also easy that $ \nabla^{(0)}_i(\Phi(\gamma_j))=0$ for all $ i,j$ .

(2) Any element $ x$ of $ M_p^n(k[t_1,t_2,t_3,\dots,t_{2 n}])$ may be written uniquely as

$\displaystyle \sum_I t^I f_I(\Phi(\gamma))

(where sum is taken over indices $ I\subset \{0,1,2,3,\dots,p-1\}^n$ ) for some polynomial $ f_I$ .

$\displaystyle \sum_I \partial_i(t^I) f_I(\Phi(\gamma))=0

We may easily deduce that this happens only when $ f_I=0$ for all $ I\neq 0$ .

$ \qedsymbol$

DEFINITION 8.3   For any vector field $ v=\sum_j v_j(t)\partial_j$ on $ \mathbb{A}^{2 n}$ , We define

$\displaystyle \nabla^{(0)}_v=\sum_j v_j \nabla^{(0)}_j

LEMMA 8.4   $ \nabla^{(0)}$ is a connection. That means,
  1. $ \nabla^{(0)}$ is bi-additive

    $\displaystyle \nabla^{(0)}_{v_1+v_2}=

  2. For each $ v$ , $ \nabla^{(0)}_v$ is a first order differential operator. Namely, we have

    $\displaystyle \nabla^{(0)}_v (f m)=(v.f)m +f \nabla^{(0)}_v.m \qquad
(\forall f\in k[t], \quad \forall m \in M_{p^n}(k[t])).

PROOF.. Easy. $ \qedsymbol$

LEMMA 8.5   $ \nabla^{(0)}_v$ is the only first order differential operator on $ M_{p^n}(k[t])$ such that its principal symbol is $ v$ and

$\displaystyle \nabla^{(0)}_v(\operatorname{Image}(\Phi))=0


PROOF.. Let $ D$ be another first order differential operator with the same property. Then we see that the difference

$\displaystyle P=\nabla^{(0)}_v -D

is a $ k[t]$ -linear map from $ M_{p^n}(k[t])$ to itself, and that $ P$ is zero when restricted to the image $ \operatorname{Image}(\Phi)$ of $ \Phi$ . Since $ \operatorname{Image}(\Phi)$ generates $ M_{p^n}(k[t])$ as a $ k[t]$ -module, we see immediately that $ P$ is equal to zero.

$ \qedsymbol$

We could go further and describe fully the result obtained in the author's papers in terms of algebras (that means, ``global'' things.)

But the author thinks it unnatural to do so without even mentioning geometric interpretation.

So let us close the part I of this talk and proceed to a more sophisticated world of schemes.

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