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``Universal representation" of Weyl algebras and derivations

LEMMA 8.1   Let $ k$ be a field of characteristic $ p\neq 0$ . Let $ t_1,t_2,\dots,t_{2n}$ be indeterminates over $ k$ . Then we have an injection

$\displaystyle \Phi:A_n(k)\to M_{p^n}(k[t_1,t_2,\dots,t_{2n}])

such that

$\displaystyle \Phi(\gamma_i)=\mu_i+t_i.

PROOF.. We first note that $ \Phi(\gamma_i^p)=t_i^p$ holds for all $ i$ . Thus for any element $ x\in A_n(k)$ , we write

$\displaystyle x=\sum_I \gamma^I p_I(\gamma_1^p,\gamma_2^p,\gamma_3^p,\dots,\gamma_{2n}^p)

where sum is taken over multi-indices $ I\subset \{0,1,2,3,\dots,p-1\}^n$ . Then we obtain

$\displaystyle \Phi(x)=
\sum_I (\mu+t)^I p_I(t_1^p,t_2^p,t_3^p,\dots,t_{2n}^p)

Now, let $ I_0$ be the greatest index among $ I$ such that $ p_I\neq 0$ (in lexicographical order). Then we have

$\displaystyle \partial_{I_0} \Phi(x)=(I_0!)p_I(t^p)\neq 0.

This is contrary to the assumption that $ \Phi(x)=0$ . Thus we have $ p_I=0$ for all $ I$ . $ \qedsymbol$

The representation is ``universal". It contains all the information of $ A_n(k)$ and also carries all the irreducible finite-dimensional representations as specializations.

Via this representation, any element of $ A_n(k)$ may be viewed as a matrix-valued polynomial function on the affine space $ \mathbb{A}^{2 n}$ .

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