: この文書について...
: 曲面の非可換変形のいくつかの例について
: 幾何学的ブラウアー群の方向への変形
- 1
Eiichi Abe, Hopf algebras, Cambridge Univ. press, 1980.
- 2
M. Artin, Geometry of quantum planes, Contermporary Math. 124
(1992), 1-15.
- 3
N. Jacobson, Basic algebra ii, W. H. Freeman and company, 1980.
- 4
S. S. Mac Lane, Categories for the working mathematicians, Springer
Verlag, 1971.
- 5
Yuri I. Manin, Quantized theta-functions, Progress of theoretical
physics supplement 102 (1990), 219-228.
- 6
to3em, Topics in non commutative geometry, Princeton University Press,
- 7
A. L. Rosenberg, Noncommutative schemes, Compositio Math. 112,
no. 1 (1998), 93-125.
- 8
Y. Tsuchimoto, Constructions on non commutative schemes, Mem. Math.
Kochi Univ. (1998), 95-95.
- 9
大森英樹, 一般力学系と場の幾何学, 裳華房, 1991.
Kochi University
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science
Kochi, 780 Japan
E-mail: docky@math.kochi-u.ac.jp