Finite fields

In this subsection we study some basic properties on finite fields. A good account can be found in [2]. Also, there is a brief explanation in [1] available on the net.

LEMMA 0.3   Let $F$ be a finite field (that means, a field which has only a finite number of elements.) Then:
  1. There exists a prime number $p$ such that $p=0$ holds in $F$.
  2. $F$ contains $\mathbb{F}_p$ as a subfield.
  3. % latex2html id marker 987
$ q=\char93 (F)$ is a power of $p$.
  4. For any $x\in F$, we have % latex2html id marker 993
$ x^q-x=0$.
  5. The multiplicative group % latex2html id marker 995
$ (F_q)^{\times}$ is a cyclic group of order % latex2html id marker 997
$ q-1$.

The next task is to construct such fields. An important tool is the following lemma.

LEMMA 0.4   For any field $K$ and for any non zero polynomial $f\in K[X]$, there exists a field $L$ containing $L$ such that $f$ is decomposed into linear factors in $L$.

To prove it we use the following lemma.

LEMMA 0.5   For any field $K$ and for any irreducible polynomial $f\in K[X]$ of degree $d>0$, we have the following.
  1. $L=K[X]/(f(X))$ is a field.
  2. Let $a$ be the class of $X$ in $L$. Then $a$ satisfies $f(a)=0$.

Then we have the following lemma.

LEMMA 0.6   Let $p$ be a prime number. Let % latex2html id marker 1046
$ q=p^r$ be a power of $p$. Let $L$ be a field extension of $\mathbb{F}_p$ such that % latex2html id marker 1054
$ X^q-X$ is decomposed into polynomials of degree $ 1$ in $L$. Then
  1. % latex2html id marker 1060
$\displaystyle L_1=\{x \in L; x^q=x\}

    is a subfield of $L$ containing $\mathbb{F}_p$.
  2. $ L_1$ has exactly % latex2html id marker 1068
$ q$ elements.

Finally we have the following lemma.

LEMMA 0.7   Let $p$ be a prime number. Let $ r$ be a positive integer. Let % latex2html id marker 1079
$ q=p^r$. Then we have the following facts.
  1. There exists a field which has exactly % latex2html id marker 1081
$ q$ elements.
  2. There exists an irreducible polynomial $f$ of degree $ r$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$.
  3. % latex2html id marker 1089
$ X^q-X$ is divisible by the polynomial $f$ as above.
  4. For any field $K$ which has exactly % latex2html id marker 1095
$ q$-elements, there exists an element $ a\in K$ such that $f(a)=0$.

In conclusion, we obtain:

THEOREM 0.8   For any power % latex2html id marker 1106
$ q$ of $p$, there exists a field which has exactly % latex2html id marker 1110
$ q$ elements. It is unique up to an isomorphism. (We denote it by % latex2html id marker 1112
$ \mathbb{F}_q$.)

The relation between various % latex2html id marker 1114
$ \mathbb{F}_q$'s is described in the following lemma.

LEMMA 0.9   There exists a homomorphism from % latex2html id marker 1121
$ \mathbb{F}_q$ to % latex2html id marker 1123
$ \mathbb{F}_{q'}$ if and only if % latex2html id marker 1125
$ q'$ is a power of % latex2html id marker 1127
$ q$.