// Name: NumericUpDown.NumericUpDownBehavior.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: // (c) 2010 CodePlex Foundation /// /// /// (function() { var scriptName = "ExtendedUpDown"; function execute() { Type.registerNamespace('Sys.Extended.UI'); Sys.Extended.UI.NumericUpDownBehavior = function(element) { /// /// The NumericUpDownBehavior is used add up/down buttons to any textbox /// /// /// DOM Element the behavior is associated with /// Sys.Extended.UI.NumericUpDownBehavior.initializeBase(this, [element]); this._currentValue = null; this._widthValue = null; this._targetButtonUpIDValue = null; this._targetButtonDownIDValue = null; this._serviceUpPathValue = location.pathname; this._serviceUpMethodValue = null; this._serviceDownPathValue = location.pathname; this._serviceDownMethodValue = null; this._refValuesValue = null; this._tagValue = null; this._elementTextBox = null; this._step = 1.0; this._min = -Number.MAX_VALUE; this._max = Number.MAX_VALUE; this._bUp = null; this._bDown = null; this._stepPrecision = 0; this._valuePrecision = 0; this._clickUpHandler = null; this._clickDownHandler = null; this._changeHandler = null; } Sys.Extended.UI.NumericUpDownBehavior.prototype = { initialize: function() { /// /// Initialize the behavior /// Sys.Extended.UI.NumericUpDownBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize'); $common.prepareHiddenElementForATDeviceUpdate(); var e = this.get_element(); this._elementTextBox = e; if ((this._refValuesValue) || (this._serviceUpMethodValue) || (this._serviceDownMethodValue)) { this._elementTextBox.readOnly = true; } else { this._elementTextBox.readOnly = false; } this.readValue(); this._changeHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onChange); $addHandler(e, 'blur', this._changeHandler); if (!this._targetButtonUpIDValue || !this._targetButtonDownIDValue) { this._widthValue = Math.max(this._widthValue, 24); e.style.width = (this._widthValue - 24) + 'px'; e.style.textAlign = 'center'; var _divContent = document.createElement('DIV'); _divContent.style.position = 'relative'; _divContent.style.width = this._widthValue + 'px'; _divContent.style.fontSize = e.clientHeight + 'px'; _divContent.style.height = e.clientHeight + 'px'; _divContent.style.paddingRight = '24px'; if (!(Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.Firefox || Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.Safari)) { _divContent.style.display = 'inline'; } else { _divContent.style.display = 'inline-block'; } e.parentNode.insertBefore(_divContent, e); var _innerTable = document.createElement('TABLE'); var _innerTbody = document.createElement('TBODY'); var _innerRow1 = document.createElement('TR'); var _innerRow2 = document.createElement('TR'); var _textboxCell = document.createElement('TD'); var _upButtonCell = document.createElement('TD'); var _downButtonCell = document.createElement('TD'); _textboxCell.rowSpan = '2'; _textboxCell.style.verticalAlign = 'middle'; _upButtonCell.style.verticalAlign = 'middle'; _downButtonCell.style.verticalAlign = 'middle'; _innerRow1.appendChild(_textboxCell); _innerRow1.appendChild(_upButtonCell); _innerRow2.appendChild(_downButtonCell); _innerTbody.appendChild(_innerRow1); _innerTbody.appendChild(_innerRow2); _innerTable.appendChild(_innerTbody); _divContent.appendChild(_innerTable); e.parentNode.removeChild(e); _textboxCell.appendChild(e); _innerTable.style.borderCollapse = 'collapse'; _innerTable.cellSpacing = '0'; _innerTable.cellPadding = '0'; _innerTable.style.display = 'inline'; _innerTable.style.position = 'relative'; _textboxCell.style.padding = '0'; _upButtonCell.style.padding = '0'; _downButtonCell.style.padding = '0'; _textboxCell.style.margin = '0'; _upButtonCell.style.margin = '0'; _downButtonCell.style.margin = '0'; } if (!this._targetButtonUpIDValue) { this._bUp = document.createElement('input'); this._bUp.type = 'button'; this._bUp.id = e.id + '_bUp'; this._bUp.style.border = 'outset 1px'; if (Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer) { this._bUp.style.fontFamily = 'Webdings'; this._bUp.style.fontSize = '9pt'; this._bUp.value = '5'; } else { this._bUp.style.fontFamily = 'Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif'; this._bUp.style.fontSize = '5pt'; this._bUp.value = '\u25B2'; this._bUp.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; this._bUp.style.lineHeight = '3pt'; } this._bUp.style.height = '12px'; this._bUp.style.width = '24px'; this._bUp.style.overflow = 'hidden'; this._bUp.style.lineHeight = '1em'; _upButtonCell.appendChild(this._bUp); } if (!this._targetButtonDownIDValue) { this._bDown = document.createElement('input'); this._bDown.type = 'button'; this._bDown.id = e.id + '_bDown'; this._bDown.style.border = 'outset 1px'; if (Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer) { this._bDown.value = '6'; this._bDown.style.fontFamily = 'Webdings'; this._bDown.style.fontSize = '9pt'; } else { this._bDown.value = '\u25BC'; this._bDown.style.fontFamily = 'Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif'; this._bDown.style.fontSize = '5pt'; this._bDown.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; } this._bDown.style.height = '12px'; this._bDown.style.lineHeight = '3pt'; this._bDown.style.width = '24px'; this._bDown.style.overflow = 'hidden'; _downButtonCell.appendChild(this._bDown); } if (this._bUp == null) { this._bUp = document.getElementById(this._targetButtonUpIDValue); } if (this._bUp) { this._clickUpHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._clickUp); $addHandler(this._bUp, 'click', this._clickUpHandler); } if (this._bDown == null) { this._bDown = document.getElementById(this._targetButtonDownIDValue); } if (this._bDown) { this._clickDownHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._clickDown); $addHandler(this._bDown, 'click', this._clickDownHandler); } }, dispose: function() { /// /// Dispose the behavior /// if (this._changeHandler) { $removeHandler(this.get_element(), 'blur', this._changeHandler); this._changeHandler = null; } if (this._clickUpHandler) { if (this._bUp) { $removeHandler(this._bUp, 'click', this._clickUpHandler); this._clickUpHandler = null; } } if (this._clickDownHandler) { if (this._bDown) { $removeHandler(this._bDown, 'click', this._clickDownHandler); this._clickDownHandler = null; } } Sys.Extended.UI.NumericUpDownBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose'); }, add_currentChanged: function(handler) { /// /// Add a handler to the currentChanged event /// /// /// Handler /// this.get_events().addHandler('currentChanged', handler); }, remove_currentChanged: function(handler) { /// /// Remove a handler from the currentChanged event /// /// /// Handler /// this.get_events().removeHandler('currentChanged', handler); }, raiseCurrentChanged: function(eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the currentChanged event /// /// /// Event arguments /// var handler = this.get_events().getHandler('currentChanged'); if (handler) { if (!eventArgs) { eventArgs = Sys.EventArgs.Empty; } handler(this, eventArgs); } }, _onChange: function() { /// /// Handler for the textbox's change event /// this.readValue(); if (this._refValuesValue) { this.setCurrentToTextBox(this._refValuesValue[this._currentValue]); if (this._elementTextBox) { this._elementTextBox.readOnly = true; } } else { this.setCurrentToTextBox(this._currentValue); if (this._elementTextBox) { this._elementTextBox.readOnly = this._serviceUpMethodValue || this._serviceDownMethodValue; } } }, readValue: function() { /// /// Parse value of textbox and this._currentValue to be that value. /// this._currentValue = this._min if some there is an exception /// when attempting to parse. /// Parse int or string element of RefValues /// if (this._elementTextBox) { var v = this._elementTextBox.value; if (!this._refValuesValue) { if (!v) { this._currentValue = this._min; } else { try { this._currentValue = parseFloat(v); } catch (ex) { this._currentValue = this._min; } } if (isNaN(this._currentValue)) { this._currentValue = this._min; } this.setCurrentToTextBox(this._currentValue); this._valuePrecision = this._computePrecision(this._currentValue); } else { if (!v) { this._currentValue = 0; } else { var find = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this._refValuesValue.length; i++) { if (v.toLowerCase() == this._refValuesValue[i].toLowerCase()) { find = i; } } this._currentValue = find; } this.setCurrentToTextBox(this._refValuesValue[this._currentValue]); } } }, setCurrentToTextBox: function(value) { /// /// Set the value of the textbox /// /// /// Value /// if (this._elementTextBox) { this._elementTextBox.value = value; this.raiseCurrentChanged(value); if (document.createEvent) { var onchangeEvent = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); onchangeEvent.initEvent('change', true, false); this._elementTextBox.dispatchEvent(onchangeEvent); } else if (document.createEventObject) { this._elementTextBox.fireEvent('onchange'); } } }, _incrementValue: function(step) { /// /// Increment the current value by the given amount /// /// /// Amount to increment (or decrement if negative) the current value /// /// var tmp = parseFloat((this._currentValue + step).toFixed(Math.max(this._stepPrecision, this._valuePrecision))); if (step > 0) { this._currentValue = Math.max(Math.min(tmp, this._max), this._min); } else { this._currentValue = Math.min(Math.max(tmp, this._min), this._max); } }, _computePrecision: function(value) { /// /// Compute the precision of the value by counting the number /// of digits in the fractional part of its string representation /// /// Value /// /// Fractional precision of the number /// if (value == Number.Nan) { return this._min; } var str = value.toString(); if (str) { var fractionalPart = /\.(\d*)$/; var matches = str.match(fractionalPart); if (matches && matches.length == 2 && matches[1]) { return matches[1].length; } } return this._min; }, get_Width: function() { /// /// Combined size of the TextBox and Up/Down buttons (min value 25). /// This property is not used if you provide custom buttons. /// return this._widthValue; }, set_Width: function(value) { if (this._widthValue != value) { this._widthValue = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('Width'); } }, get_Tag: function() { /// /// Specifies a custom parameter to pass to the Web Service /// return this._tagValue; }, set_Tag: function(value) { if (this._tagValue != value) { this._tagValue = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('Tag'); } }, get_TargetButtonUpID: function() { /// /// Reference to a custom Up button /// return this._targetButtonUpIDValue; }, set_TargetButtonUpID: function(value) { if (this._targetButtonUpIDValue != value) { this._targetButtonUpIDValue = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('TargetButtonUpID'); } }, get_TargetButtonDownID: function() { /// /// Reference to a custom Down button /// return this._targetButtonDownIDValue; }, set_TargetButtonDownID: function(value) { if (this._targetButtonDownIDValue != value) { this._targetButtonDownIDValue = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('TargetButtonDownID'); } }, get_ServiceUpPath: function() { /// /// Path to a web service that returns the data used to get the next value. /// If empty, a PageMethod will be used instead of a web service. /// return this._serviceUpPathValue; }, set_ServiceUpPath: function(value) { if (this._serviceUpPathValue != value) { this._serviceUpPathValue = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ServiceUpPath'); } }, get_ServiceUpMethod: function() { /// /// Name of the method to call on the web service (or the name of a PageMethod) to get the next value /// /// /// The signature of the web method must be of the form: /// [WebMethod] /// public int MethodName(int current, string tag) /// { /// ... /// } /// return this._serviceUpMethodValue; }, set_ServiceUpMethod: function(value) { if (this._serviceUpMethodValue != value) { this._serviceUpMethodValue = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ServiceUpMethod'); if (this._elementTextBox) this._elementTextBox.readOnly = true; } }, get_ServiceDownPath: function() { /// /// Path to a web service that returns the data used to get the previous value. /// If empty, a PageMethod will be used instead of a web service. /// return this._serviceDownPathValue; }, set_ServiceDownPath: function(value) { if (this._serviceDownPathValue != value) { this._serviceDownPathValue = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ServiceDownPath'); } }, get_ServiceDownMethod: function() { /// /// Name of the method to call on the web service (or the name of a PageMethod) to get the previous value /// /// /// The signature of the web method must be of the form: /// [WebMethod] /// public int MethodName(int current, string tag) /// { /// ... /// } /// return this._serviceDownMethodValue; }, set_ServiceDownMethod: function(value) { if (this._serviceDownMethodValue != value) { this._serviceDownMethodValue = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ServiceDownMethod'); if (this._elementTextBox) this._elementTextBox.readOnly = true; } }, get_RefValues: function() { /// /// A list of strings separated by semicolons (;) to be used as an enumeration /// return this._refValuesValue ? this._refValuesValue.join(";") : ""; }, set_RefValues: function(value) { if (value != '') { this._refValuesValue = value.split(';'); this._onChange(); if (this._elementTextBox) { this._elementTextBox.readOnly = true; } } else { this._refValuesValue = null; if (this._elementTextBox) { this._elementTextBox.readOnly = false; } } this.raisePropertyChanged('RefValues'); }, get_Step: function() { /// /// Step used for simple numeric incrementing and decrementing /// return this._step; }, set_Step: function(value) { if (value != this._step) { this._step = value; this._stepPrecision = this._computePrecision(value); this.raisePropertyChanged('Step'); } }, get_Minimum: function() { /// /// Minimum Value /// return this._min; }, set_Minimum: function(value) { if (value != this._min) { this._min = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('Minimum'); } }, get_Maximum: function() { /// /// Maximum Value /// return this._max; }, set_Maximum: function(value) { if (value != this._max) { this._max = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('Maximum'); } }, _clickUp: function(evt) { /// /// Handler for the Up button's click event /// /// /// Event info /// this.readValue(); if (this._serviceUpPathValue && this._serviceUpMethodValue) { Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy.invoke(this._serviceUpPathValue, this._serviceUpMethodValue, false, { current: this._currentValue, tag: this._tagValue }, Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMethodUpDownComplete)); $common.updateFormToRefreshATDeviceBuffer(); } else { if (this._refValuesValue) { if ((this._currentValue + 1) < this._refValuesValue.length) { this._currentValue = this._currentValue + 1; this.setCurrentToTextBox(this._refValuesValue[this._currentValue]); } } else { this._incrementValue(this._step); this.setCurrentToTextBox(this._currentValue); } } if (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); } return false; }, _clickDown: function(evt) { /// /// Handler for the Down button's click event /// /// /// Event info /// this.readValue(); if (this._serviceDownPathValue && this._serviceDownMethodValue) { Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy.invoke(this._serviceDownPathValue, this._serviceDownMethodValue, false, { current: this._currentValue, tag: this._tagValue }, Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMethodUpDownComplete)); $common.updateFormToRefreshATDeviceBuffer(); } else { if (this._refValuesValue) { if ((this._currentValue - 1) >= 0) { this._currentValue = this._currentValue - 1; this.setCurrentToTextBox(this._refValuesValue[this._currentValue]); } } else { this._incrementValue(-this._step); this.setCurrentToTextBox(this._currentValue); } } if (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); } return false; }, _onMethodUpDownComplete: function(result, userContext, methodName) { this._currentValue = result; this.setCurrentToTextBox(this._currentValue); } } Sys.Extended.UI.NumericUpDownBehavior.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI.NumericUpDownBehavior', Sys.Extended.UI.BehaviorBase); Sys.registerComponent(Sys.Extended.UI.NumericUpDownBehavior, { name: "upDown", parameters: ["Minimum", "Maximum", "Width"] }); } // execute if (window.Sys && Sys.loader) { Sys.loader.registerScript(scriptName, ["ExtendedCommon", "ExtendedBase", "WebServices"], execute); } else { execute(); } })();