// Name: CascadingDropDown.CascadingDropDownBehavior.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: // (c) 2010 CodePlex Foundation /// /// /// (function () { var scriptName = "ExtendedCascadingDropDown"; function execute() { Type.registerNamespace('Sys.Extended.UI'); Sys.Extended.UI.CascadingDropDownSelectionChangedEventArgs = function (oldValue, newValue) { /// /// Event arguments used when the selectionChanged event is raised /// /// /// Previous selection /// /// /// New selection /// Sys.Extended.UI.CascadingDropDownSelectionChangedEventArgs.initializeBase(this); this._oldValue = oldValue; this._newValue = newValue; } Sys.Extended.UI.CascadingDropDownSelectionChangedEventArgs.prototype = { get_oldValue: function () { /// /// Previous selection /// return this._oldValue; }, get_newValue: function () { /// /// New selection /// return this._newValue; } } Sys.Extended.UI.CascadingDropDownSelectionChangedEventArgs.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI.CascadingDropDownSelectionChangedEventArgs', Sys.EventArgs); Sys.Extended.UI.CascadingDropDownBehavior = function (e) { /// /// The CascadingDropDownBehavior is used to populate drop downs with values from a web service /// /// /// The DOM element the behavior is associated with /// Sys.Extended.UI.CascadingDropDownBehavior.initializeBase(this, [e]); this._parentControlID = null; this._category = null; this._promptText = null; this._loadingText = null; this._promptValue = null; this._emptyValue = null; this._emptyText = null; this._servicePath = location.pathname; this._serviceMethod = null; this._contextKey = null; this._useContextKey = false; this._useHttpGet = false; this._enableAtLoading = false; this._parentElement = null; this._changeHandler = null; this._parentChangeHandler = null; this._lastParentValues = null; this._selectedValue = null; this._actualDisabledStatus = false; } Sys.Extended.UI.CascadingDropDownBehavior.prototype = { initialize: function () { /// /// Initialize the behavior /// /// Sys.Extended.UI.CascadingDropDownBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize'); $common.prepareHiddenElementForATDeviceUpdate(); var e = this.get_element(); this._actualDisabledStatus = e.disabled; this._clearItems(); e.CascadingDropDownCategory = this._category; this._changeHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onChange); $addHandler(e, "change", this._changeHandler); if (this._parentControlID) { this._parentElement = $get(this._parentControlID); if (!this._parentElement) { Sys.Debug.fail(String.format(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.CascadingDropDown_NoParentElement, this._parentControlID)); } if (this._parentElement) { e.CascadingDropDownParentControlID = this._parentControlID; this._parentChangeHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onParentChange); $addHandler(this._parentElement, "change", this._parentChangeHandler); if (!this._parentElement.childDropDown) { this._parentElement.childDropDown = new Array(); } this._parentElement.childDropDown.push(this); } } this._onParentChange(null, true); var me = this; setTimeout(function () { if (me._actualDisabledStatus) e.disabled = me._actualDisabledStatus; }, 50); }, dispose: function () { /// /// Dispose the behavior /// /// var e = this.get_element(); if (this._changeHandler) { $removeHandler(e, "change", this._changeHandler); this._changeHandler = null; } if (this._parentChangeHandler) { if (this._parentElement) { $removeHandler(this._parentElement, "change", this._parentChangeHandler); } this._parentChangeHandler = null; } Sys.Extended.UI.CascadingDropDownBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose'); }, _clearItems: function () { /// /// Clear the items from the drop down /// /// var e = this.get_element(); if (e != null && e.options != null) { while (0 < e.options.length) { e.remove(0); } } }, _isPopulated: function () { /// /// Determine whether the drop down has any items /// /// /// Whether the drop down has any items /// var items = this.get_element().options.length; if (this._promptText) { return items > 1; } else { return items > 0; } }, _setOptions: function (list, inInit, gettingList) { /// /// Set the contents of the DropDownList to the specified list /// /// /// Array of options (where each option has name and value properties) /// /// /// Whether this is being called from the initialize method /// /// /// Whether we are fetching the list of options from the web service /// /// if (!this.get_isInitialized()) { return; } var e = this.get_element(); this._clearItems(); var headerText; var headerValue = ""; if (gettingList && this._loadingText) { headerText = this._loadingText; if (this._selectedValue) { headerValue = this._selectedValue; } } else if (!gettingList && list && (0 == list.length) && (null != this._emptyText)) { headerText = this._emptyText; if (this._emptyValue) { headerValue = this._emptyValue; } } else if (this._promptText) { headerText = this._promptText; if (this._promptValue) { headerValue = this._promptValue; } } var optionElement; if (headerText) { optionElement = new Option(headerText, headerValue); e.options[e.options.length] = optionElement; } var selectedValueOption = null, defaultIndex = -1; if (list) { for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var item = list[i], listItemName = item.name, listItemValue = item.value, listItemOptionTitle = item.optionTitle; if (item.isDefaultValue) { this.set_SelectedValue(listItemValue, listItemName, listItemOptionTitle); defaultIndex = i; if (this._promptText) { defaultIndex++; } } optionElement = new Option(listItemName, listItemValue); if (listItemValue == this._selectedValue) { selectedValueOption = optionElement; } if (listItemOptionTitle) { optionElement.setAttribute('title', listItemOptionTitle); } e.options[e.options.length] = optionElement; } if (selectedValueOption) { selectedValueOption.selected = true; } } if (selectedValueOption) { this.set_SelectedValue(e.options[e.selectedIndex].value, e.options[e.selectedIndex].text); } else if (!selectedValueOption && defaultIndex != -1) { e.options[defaultIndex].selected = true; this.set_SelectedValue(e.options[defaultIndex].value, e.options[defaultIndex].text); } else if (!inInit && !selectedValueOption && !gettingList && !this._promptText && (e.options.length > 0)) { this.set_SelectedValue(e.options[0].value, e.options[0].text); } else if (!inInit && !selectedValueOption && !gettingList) { this.set_SelectedValue('', ''); } if (e.childDropDown && !gettingList) { for (var i = 0; i < e.childDropDown.length; i++) { e.childDropDown[i]._onParentChange(); } } else { if (list && (Sys.Browser.agent !== Sys.Browser.Safari) && (Sys.Browser.agent !== Sys.Browser.Opera)) { if (document.createEvent) { var onchangeEvent = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); onchangeEvent.initEvent('change', true, false); this.get_element().dispatchEvent(onchangeEvent); } else if (document.createEventObject) { this.get_element().fireEvent('onchange'); } } } if (!this._enableAtLoading) { if (this._loadingText || this._promptText || this._emptyText) { e.disabled = !list || (0 == list.length); } if (this._actualDisabledStatus) e.disabled = this._actualDisabledStatus; } if (gettingList) { this.raisePopulated(Sys.EventArgs.Empty); } }, _onChange: function () { /// /// Handler for the drop down's change event /// /// if (!this._isPopulated()) { return; } var e = this.get_element(); if ((-1 != e.selectedIndex) && !(this._promptText && (0 == e.selectedIndex))) { this.set_SelectedValue(e.options[e.selectedIndex].value, e.options[e.selectedIndex].text, e.options[e.selectedIndex].title); } else { this.set_SelectedValue('', ''); } }, _onParentChange: function (evt, inInit) { /// /// Handler for the parent drop down's change event /// /// /// Set by the browser when called as an event handler (unused here) /// /// /// Whether this is being called from the initialize method /// /// var e = this.get_element(); var knownCategoryValues = ''; var parentControlID = this._parentControlID; while (parentControlID) { var parentElement = $get(parentControlID); if (parentElement && (-1 != parentElement.selectedIndex)) { var selectedValue = parentElement.options[parentElement.selectedIndex].value; if (selectedValue && selectedValue != "") { knownCategoryValues = parentElement.CascadingDropDownCategory + ':' + selectedValue + ';' + knownCategoryValues; parentControlID = parentElement.CascadingDropDownParentControlID; continue; } } break; } if (knownCategoryValues != '' && this._lastParentValues == knownCategoryValues) { return; } this._lastParentValues = knownCategoryValues; if (knownCategoryValues == '' && this._parentControlID) { this._setOptions(null, inInit); return; } this._setOptions(null, inInit, true); if (this._servicePath && this._serviceMethod) { var eventArgs = new Sys.CancelEventArgs(); this.raisePopulating(eventArgs); if (eventArgs.get_cancel()) { return; } var params = { knownCategoryValues: knownCategoryValues, category: this._category }; if (this._useContextKey) { params.contextKey = this._contextKey; } Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy.invoke(this._servicePath, this._serviceMethod, this._useHttpGet, params, Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMethodComplete), Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMethodError)); $common.updateFormToRefreshATDeviceBuffer(); } }, _onMethodComplete: function (result, userContext, methodName) { this._setOptions(result); }, _onMethodError: function (webServiceError, userContext, methodName) { if (webServiceError.get_timedOut()) { this._setOptions([this._makeNameValueObject(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.CascadingDropDown_MethodTimeout)]); } else { this._setOptions([this._makeNameValueObject(String.format(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.CascadingDropDown_MethodError, webServiceError.get_statusCode()))]); } }, _makeNameValueObject: function (message) { /// /// Create an object with name and value properties set to the provided message /// /// /// Message /// /// /// Object with name and value properties set to the message /// return { 'name': message, 'value': message }; }, get_ParentControlID: function () { /// /// ID of the parent drop down in a hierarchy of drop downs /// return this._parentControlID; }, set_ParentControlID: function (value) { if (this._parentControlID != value) { this._parentControlID = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ParentControlID'); } }, get_Category: function () { /// /// Category of this drop down /// return this._category; }, set_Category: function (value) { if (this._category != value) { this._category = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('Category'); } }, get_PromptText: function () { /// /// Prompt text displayed as the first entry in the drop down /// return this._promptText; }, set_PromptText: function (value) { if (this._promptText != value) { this._promptText = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('PromptText'); } }, get_PromptValue: function () { /// /// Value for the option displayed by a DropDownList showing the PromptText /// return this._promptValue; }, set_PromptValue: function (value) { if (this._promptValue != value) { this._promptValue = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('PromptValue'); } }, get_EmptyText: function () { /// /// Text for the option displayed when the list is empty /// return this._emptyText; }, set_EmptyText: function (value) { if (this._emptyText != value) { this._emptyText = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('EmptyText'); } }, get_EmptyValue: function () { /// /// Value for the option displayed when the list is empty /// return this._emptyValue; }, set_EmptyValue: function (value) { if (this._emptyValue != value) { this._emptyValue = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('EmptyValue'); } }, get_LoadingText: function () { /// /// Loading text to to be displayed when getting the drop down's values from the web service /// return this._loadingText; }, set_LoadingText: function (value) { if (this._loadingText != value) { this._loadingText = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('LoadingText'); } }, get_SelectedValue: function () { /// /// Selected value of the drop down /// return this._selectedValue; }, set_SelectedValue: function (value, text, title) { if (this._selectedValue != value) { if (!text) { var i = value.indexOf(':::'); if (-1 != i) { text = value.slice(i + 3); value = value.slice(0, i); i = text.indexOf(':::'); if (-1 != i) { title = text.slice(i + 3); text = text.slice(0, i); } } } var oldValue = this._selectedValue; this._selectedValue = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('SelectedValue'); this.raiseSelectionChanged(new Sys.Extended.UI.CascadingDropDownSelectionChangedEventArgs(oldValue, value)); } Sys.Extended.UI.CascadingDropDownBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'set_ClientState', [this._selectedValue + ':::' + text + ':::' + (title ? (':::' + title) : '')]); }, get_ServicePath: function () { /// /// Path to the web service /// return this._servicePath; }, set_ServicePath: function (value) { if (this._servicePath != value) { this._servicePath = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ServicePath'); } }, get_ServiceMethod: function () { /// /// Name of the method to invoke on the web service /// return this._serviceMethod; }, set_ServiceMethod: function (value) { if (this._serviceMethod != value) { this._serviceMethod = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ServiceMethod'); } }, get_contextKey: function () { /// /// User/page specific context provided to an optional overload of the /// web method described by ServiceMethod/ServicePath. If the context /// key is used, it should have the same signature with an additional /// parameter named contextKey of type string. /// return this._contextKey; }, set_contextKey: function (value) { if (this._contextKey != value) { this._contextKey = value; this.set_useContextKey(true); this.raisePropertyChanged('contextKey'); } }, get_useContextKey: function () { /// /// Whether or not the ContextKey property should be used. This will be /// automatically enabled if the ContextKey property is ever set /// (on either the client or the server). If the context key is used, /// it should have the same signature with an additional parameter /// named contextKey of type string. /// return this._useContextKey; }, set_useContextKey: function (value) { if (this._useContextKey != value) { this._useContextKey = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('useContextKey'); } }, get_useHttpGet: function () { /// /// Whether or not the get method should be used instead of post. /// return this._useHttpGet; }, set_useHttpGet: function (value) { if (this._useHttpGet != value) { this._useHttpGet = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('useHttpGet'); } }, get_enableAtLoading: function () { /// /// Whether or not disable the dropdownlist control when this is waiting to /// get data from the service so at the time of loading user can use keyboard /// to navigate to the dropdown control. /// return this._enableAtLoading; }, set_enableAtLoading: function (value) { if (this._enableAtLoading != value) { this._enableAtLoading = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('enableAtLoading'); } }, add_selectionChanged: function (handler) { /// /// Add an event handler for the selectionChanged event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// this.get_events().addHandler('selectionChanged', handler); }, remove_selectionChanged: function (handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the selectionChanged event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// this.get_events().removeHandler('selectionChanged', handler); }, raiseSelectionChanged: function (eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the selectionChanged event /// /// /// Event arguments for the selectionChanged event /// /// var handler = this.get_events().getHandler('selectionChanged'); if (handler) { handler(this, eventArgs); } }, add_populating: function (handler) { /// /// Add an event handler for the populating event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// this.get_events().addHandler('populating', handler); }, remove_populating: function (handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the populating event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// this.get_events().removeHandler('populating', handler); }, raisePopulating: function (eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the populating event /// /// /// Event arguments for the populating event /// /// /// /// The populating event can be used to provide custom data to /// CascadingDropDown instead of using a web service. Just cancel the /// event (using the CancelEventArgs) and pass your own data to the /// _setOptions method. /// var handler = this.get_events().getHandler('populating'); if (handler) { handler(this, eventArgs); } }, add_populated: function (handler) { /// /// Add an event handler for the populated event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// this.get_events().addHandler('populated', handler); }, remove_populated: function (handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the populated event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// this.get_events().removeHandler('populated', handler); }, raisePopulated: function (eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the populated event /// /// /// Event arguments for the populated event /// /// var handler = this.get_events().getHandler('populated'); if (handler) { handler(this, eventArgs); } } } Sys.Extended.UI.CascadingDropDownBehavior.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI.CascadingDropDownBehavior', Sys.Extended.UI.BehaviorBase); Sys.registerComponent(Sys.Extended.UI.CascadingDropDownBehavior, { name: "cascadingDropDown" }); } // execute if (window.Sys && Sys.loader) { Sys.loader.registerScript(scriptName, ["ExtendedBase", "ExtendedCommon", "WebServices"], execute); } else { execute(); } })();