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Resolutions of singularities.

Yoshifumi Tsuchimoto

\fbox{08. Coefficient ideal}

From the paper of Encinas and Hauser:


The coefficient ideal of an ideal $ I$ of $ W$ at a with respect to $ V$ is an ideal in $ V$ which is built from the coefficients of the Taylor expansion of the elements of $ I$ with respect to the equations defining $ V$ . Let $ x, y$ and $ y$ be regular systems of parameters of $ \mathcal O_{W,a}$ and $ \mathcal O_{V,a}$ so that $ x = 0$ defines $ V$ in $ W$ . For $ f$ in $ I$ denote by $ a_{f,\alpha}$ the elements of $ \mathcal O_{V,a}$ so that $ f = \sum_\alpha a_{f,\alpha}\cdot x^\alpha$ holds after passage to the completion. Then we set

$\displaystyle \operatorname{coeff}_V I = \sum_{\vert\alpha\vert<c}
(a_{f,\alpha}; f\in I)^{\frac{c!}{c-\vert\alpha\vert}}.


EXAMPLE 08.1   Let us consider a curve $ C=\{(t^3,t^5,t^7)\}\in \mathbb{A}^3$ . By using a theory of groebner basis, we may eliminate the variable $ t$ and obtain an ideal

$\displaystyle I=(y^7-z^5,xz-y^2,xy^5-z^4,x^2y^3-z^3,x^3y-z^2,x^4-zy)

Let us choose $ V=\{z=0\}$ as the hypersurface. Then:
  1. When $ c=1$ , we have

    $\displaystyle \operatorname{coeff}_V(I)=(y^2,x^3y,x^4)

  2. When $ c=2$ , we have

    $\displaystyle \operatorname{coeff}_V(I)=(y^2,x^3y,x^4)+(x,y)^2=(x^2,xy,y^2)

  3. When $ c=3$ , we have

    $\displaystyle \operatorname{coeff}_V(I)=(y^2,x^3y,x^4)^2+(x,y)^3+(1)^6=(1).

PROBLEM 08.2   To compute the coefficient ideal of a given ideal $ I$ , Is it sufficient to consider only coefficients of generators of $ I$ ?

Let $ X$ be a closed subscheme of a regular scheme $ W$ . We want to resolve the singularity of $ X$ . If there exists an regular hypersurface $ V$ such that $ V\supset X$ , then we may replace $ W$ by $ V$ . So we may (have to) assume that $ X$ is not contained in such hypersurfaces. Instead, we have for each point $ a\in X$ a ``hypersurface of maximal contact'' $ V$ . $ V$ is not canonical, but is good enough to define the invariant $ i_a$ and then (afterwards) determine the center of blow up.

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