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direct sums, tensor products, homomorphisms

The first definition in the previous subsection is important because one may easily recognize that the following type of lemma should hold.

LEMMA 1.1   Let $ A$ be a commutative ring. Let $ B$ be a commutative $ A$ -algebra. Let $ M_1,M_2$ be $ B$ -modules with connections

$\displaystyle \nabla_j: M_j\to \Omega^1_{B/A} \otimes_B M_j \qquad (j=1,2).

Then we may define a connection on the direct sum $ M_1\otimes M_2$ , on the tensor product $ M_1\otimes_B M_2$ , and on the module $ \operatorname{Hom}_B(M_1, M_2)$ . Namely,

$\displaystyle \nabla(m_1,m_2)=(\nabla_1(m_1), \nabla_2 (m_2))

$\displaystyle \nabla(m_1\otimes m_2)=\nabla_1(m_1)\otimes m_2 + m_1\otimes \nabla_2 (m_2)

$\displaystyle \nabla(\phi)(s)=\nabla_2(\phi(s))-(\operatorname{id}_{\Omega^1}\otimes \phi)(\nabla_1(s))

PROOF.. Easy.

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