Let us denote by

the ideal of

generated by

Then we define a subset


as follows.
Now we claim the following facts.
is closed under addition.
is stable under multiplication by any element of
is closed under multiplication.
The only (5) may require proof. For any elements

, we have
So the subset
is a
-subalgebra of
containing the generators
. Thus we have
Let us first prove the ``if'' part. Assume

is open.

is a clopen (``closed and open'') subset of

is a decomposition of the scheme

into two Zariski open set.
Thus we have
We then note in particular that

a distinguished global section (``the identity'')

defined by
Then we see that
So we have
as required.
Let us now prove the ``only if'' part. The question is local on
and on
So we may assume that
is of the form

is a finitely generated algebra over


be the ideal of definition of the diagonal.
The previous Lemma tells us that

is finitely generated over

By the assumption we have
Now we use the Nakayama's lemma (theorem below) to find an element

such that
Then it is easy to see that

is an idempotent and that

is its range.